Rural Planning Organization (RPO)


Next RPO Meeting: June 4, 2025

TDOT Region II Headquarters - 7512 Volkswagen Drive, Chattanooga, TN 37421

RPOs serve a similar function as Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) for the rural areas of the state. The purpose of an RPO is to involve local officials in multimodal transportation planning, through a structured process, to ensure quality, competence, and fairness in the transportation decision-making process. RPOs consider multimodal transportation needs on a local and regional basis, review long-term needs as well as short-term funding priorities, and make recommendations to TDOT.

RPOs assist TDOT with the following the duties.

Develop, in cooperation with the TDOT, comprehensive transportation plans

Provide a forum for public participation in the transportation planning process

Develop and prioritize suggestions for projects that the organization believes should be included in the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP)

Provide transportation-related information to local governments and other interested organizations and persons

Rural Planning Grants now open! Due April 1, 2025

Office of Community Transportation (OCT) Region 2 Contacts

Kevin Layne

(423) 510-1121

Stacy Morrison

(423) 413-1332

Michelle Christian

(865) 441-1340