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CLOSED - RFP - OSO & CSP Updated Q&A and Handouts Edited 08.08.2018

CLOSED - RFP - OSO & CSP Amended Attachment B Budget Template 07.31.2018

Public Notice - Workforce Board Meeting on 06.13.2018

Press Release - Fire at American Job Center in Kimball

Press Photo - Kimball Office Fire

Public Notice - Workforce Board Meeting on 12.12.2017

Public Notice - Workforce Board Meeting on 09.13.2017

CLOSED for Bids - LWDA5 - 2017 RFP for Youth Hybrid Services (VIEW ONLY)

CLOSED for Bids - LWDA5 - 2017 RFP for One Stop Operator Final (VIEW ONLY)

CLOSED for Bids - LWDA5 - 2017 RFP for WIOA Career Services (VIEW ONLY)

Public Notice - Workforce Board Meeting 12.07.2021

CLOSED- Public Notice for Release of RFP-Youth Services

CLOSED - Job Posting - Workforce Development Specialist

CLOSED- Public Notice for Release of RFP-Youth Services

CLOSED for Public Comment - DRAFT 2022 -2024 East Regional Plan Modification

CLOSED Request for Proposals for Career Services

CLOSED Request for Proposals for One Stop Operator

CLOSED Request for Proposals for Youth Services

CLOSED-Southeast RFP Questions and Answers updated 4.22.22

Public Notice - Workforce Board Meeting 06.08.22

Public Notice for 2022 - 2024 Southeast Tennessee Plan Modification

Public Notice for Request for Proposals for One Stop and Career & Youth Services

Public Notice- East TN Regional Planning

Public Notice- East TN Regional Planning

Public Notice- Workforce Board meeting 03.09.22

Closed Public Comment - 2022 -2024 Southeast Tennessee Local Plan Modification